Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's been at least a week! oopps..

Well, I don't rightly have a really good excuse for not posting.. Except that I was sick. I got a cold on Saturday, and the flue on Monday. I'm still recuperating from it. I think I lost like 3 pounds or something. lol. Not like that little bit will show. But other than all that sickness, I've been on a chess website. It has a bunch of forums, and one of them is on spirituality. They do a lot of debating on there. My dad does some, and so he seggested I get on there and do some too. It's a whole bunch of fun! There are a bunch of really crule people that say some really mean stuff, but they all sound like angry little children! So I do my best no to sound like them.
I haven't been doing any poetry reading lately because of my sickness, but I'll try to get some on here soon. I have to miss Drevers ed. class today because I might still be contagous. It kinda' stinks. I'm going to be behind at least 1 test. ARG!!
OK. I'll try to type at y'all soon!
Aim high!


Anonymous said...

Aw, too bad everyone's sick. I feel lucky I wasn't as bad as everyone else!!! But the whole time I was sick I had PMS and as soon as I got over the cold I got my period. Of course. Oh well, I didn't suffer as much as my pillow and my book did, not to mention the people around me to a lesser degree. lol See ya later! Real glad to see a post.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mart. That debating sounds like fun. A lot of the time when I try to tell someone something they usually try to brush it off and avoid it. At least on the web if someone is one that means they want to talk about it. (even if they are mean and cruel hearted). So I'm glad you finally posted! lol! TTYL!