Sunday, February 25, 2007

My poem!!!

Hey! I know I haven't posted in a long time. I haven't gotten much time lately to do these things. I've been working on some homework Mr. N. gave us for driver ed. He only gave us a week to do 3 articles...... Really, you either have to have a printer or a subscription to a newspaper to be able to do the homework. I don't have so I've been waiting to get to my sister and brother-in-law's to get online and print some stuff...... All 3 articles are due tomorrow.. I'm a slacker.. lol..
Well, what I rally came on here to tell you all; I'm having a poem published in a poetry book. I think the name of the book is called, "Immortal Verses". I'm SOOOOOO excited!! The poem they are publishing is the little poem under my blog title. I named it Warlord..... I'm really happy about it!!!! I would get one of the books, but they are going t cost like, 50 bucks! yeah right... Maybe, after they are printed, I'll just hop on Amazon and buy myself a used one.
Well, that's all for now..
Over and out.


Anonymous said...

Hurray you posted!! Congrads to your poem being published It is a good poem so I am not that surprised I am happy for you. Ha ha i had the other teacher and he only made us do a little bit it sounds like Mr. N is a lot harder.


Mary Ellen said...

Holy Freakiness! That is soooo cool that your poem is getting published! Man you're lucky. How did that come about? Did you show it to someone or did someone find it?

Anonymous said...

Congrats! That sounds like fun. Did you get any money for it? LOL, the first question I ask... ; )

ttyl, love you baby!

Anonymous said...

OK Chris... you need to post. Tell us about your shampoo or something!! Just post!

Anonymous said...

CHRIS! POST, woman! I'll spam you every day until you do.