Thursday, February 15, 2007

Russell Family Crest

I couldn't copy the thing on here, but I got to read about the name. I went to a website, , and looked it up. It is of ether English, Scottish, Or Irish Decent. Some of the original Russell's were from Normandy. That was around 1066 a.d. Our motto translation is, "What will be will be." Pretty cool. I'm going to try and get the whole article on here.
So bye for now!


Mary Ellen said...

Who in the heck are the Russels?

Anonymous said...

Cool Chris... you need to do that. I guess I'm lucky, my grandpa was actually born in Ireland and passed on what he heard from his parents to my dad and aunts so I'm pretty well informed on my family. We've got a pretty cool crest, too! There's lots of history behind the different symbols.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool that you found your crest! I am going to go to the website now. sanny

Christine E. Coffey said...

melly, Russell is the last name of my dad's biological father. He never knew William Russell. He wasn't leggaly adopted by George Sturdivant, but my grandma gave my dad the last name of her current husband. My dad didn't find out that George wasn't his real father untill he was 30. Then my gram' told him the whole story. it's long. It's all messed up.