Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I feel like an idiot! I got to work about 1 and 1/2 hours early. Yikes! I thought I worked at 4, but found out a little too late, that I didn't work until 5. Gosh. But it kind of turned out OK. I got to talk to some people I've been meaning to talk to. So I basically had a good afternoon. However, that isn't saying much about my morning or afternoon...... But it wouldn't be too far from the truth to say that I had a very well rounded day.
I get very restless if I don;t have something to do.. Like work. I am used to getting about 20 to 25 hours in at work during a normal school week. But it's been really slow lately therefore they cut everyone's hours. I was really cranky at first, however, laziness is easy to get used to! I enjoy having more time to talk to, and hang with my friends! It's really cool. Like about two month ago, if someone had asked me to do something, I would have been like, "I probably can't because I have to work." But now I'm like, "Yeah sure! I probably don't have to work or anything!" So it's cool to be able to do that. I just can't get too lazy. It won't last forever. Come spring, my hours are going to go up. I could probably use the money anyways. So yeah.. OK. I'll post to ya later!


Anonymous said...

So wanna come over sometime??? ; ) Actually, that probably wouldn't be too good of an idea. Want me to come over there sometime? love ya. maybe see you tonight? ~N

Mary Ellen said...

Jobs are great. Heck I shouldn't be saying anything though. I hate feeding calves (My only paying job!Boo,Hoo!) exspecially in the winter. Summer is way better but I know what you meen about not being able to do anything with friends! Love the money though...:)