Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Today, tomorrow, and maybe the next year if nobody stops me!

Yeah, I had a good day. Well. Kinda'. I mean, there wasn't anything special about it. I got up a little too late, (like usual. I need to get on a schedule or something.) ate some breakfast, did some school, then my grandpa showed up. Which means I got to take a brake from school to listen to his chattering. He can be very informative about anything mechanical in the house. However, he didn't stay fro too long so it was back to school for me! Oh joy! Then, of course, the daily ritual of dishes and showering. No prob. Off to work I went. Did a lil' work here and there, and then home again to update my blog. I try to keep this thing updated as often as passable.
This week I'm hoping to have a sleep-over with a bunch of girlfriends! I have been wanting to have a slumber party for forever!! So I'm hoping that will happen.
OOhhhhhh yes! Also, in about a month, tickets to V-ball are going on sale!! I'm soooo happy!! Last year was soo much fun. I only went on Saturday night, but this year I'm thinking about going both Friday and Saturday!! We'll see if I have enough money. The tickets are $35 a piece. So it could get mighty expensive. We'll see. I'm hoping all my friends will be there. (Even if most all of them are girls who wont have a dancing partner like me.) I don't have a dress yet. Maybe one of these days us girls could take a trip to Eau Claire and go dress shopping! How fun!
OK I have to go now. It's about 10:30 and I have to get up too late tomorrow.
I twill type at thee all later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my lanta We should so go dress shopping. That would be so awesome. We really need to have a huge slumber party! Maybe I'll have one for my birthday.... hmmmm.
Talk to ya later girlfriend!