Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cooking, cleaning, and industrial things of that sort.

Today I had to babysit my little brother while my mom was out doing her shopping. It was actually not that bad. Most of the time, Benny was content with just watching a movie over an over again. he he. During that time, I did most of my home work, (for drivers ed. and regular schooling) made some banana bread, did dishes, and cooked supper. It was really quite fun. I don't think I've ever had fun cooking or baking. I may get an urge to do so every now and then, but when it comes to putting time into it, I loose interest. I felt like a mother, and it felt good! hmm. I wounder if there's something to that. lol.
Well, after that feminine endeavor, I wanted to paint a picture. I didn't though. I didn't really have time. It was late and I didn't want to get out the paint and all that messy stuff. Therefor I was content in just taking a shower, (with my new Burt's Bee's Carrots and Sugar shampoo!! It smells like grape fruit! I love it!!) and reading my book until my dad got off the computer. So now here I am. Writing about nothingness is, interestingly, a lot of fun! Maybe it's because we all stay so closely connected this way. It must be a woman thing.. hheehehe.
Today, right before Ro left for work, I got together some things to send over to the R's. I finally gave Marry her birthday gift.... And a few other things;-P Yeah.... I'm a goof ball sometimes....hahahaha. ROFL! Surprise, surprise girls!!ha ha. Hope y'all can find usage for those things!! And all those bags. hahaha!
Well. I best be off to bed now. Actually, I have a few emails to right first. All the more reason to go the sooner!
Tootaledo my dearies!


Anonymous said...

Well that's good Rubexcube wasn't too rambunctious!

It's good to feel all mothery and feminine once in a while, isn't it? I like the feeling.

I know I said so before. but I want that banana bread recipe! I'm trying to find one that I like better than mine.

Christine E. Coffey said...

Sure hun. I'll see if I can email it to you. I'm not so good on following up with sending stuff, so if you don't get in it the next 2 weeks, send me a reminder please..

Mary Ellen said...

Seriously I can get so much done (like cleaning etc.) when my Mom's gone that it's unbelieveable! I think it's because you have no one watching you or telling you how to do things. You can take it at your own sweet pace. Also it makes you feel... grownup or something. Like imagine having your own house (or castle! lol!!! Hahaha! Sweet designs by the way!).
Well I'll catch ya later!
~Barnaby Ball

Christine E. Coffey said...

Lol! hahaha! did you guys like all the bags? I thought it was funny! But I would think something so stupid would be funny. lol. Yes! the sleep over is a go! roger that!

Mary Ellen said...

Hey this is late but I have a "Thank you" card and I haven't seen you for so long so I haven't gotten it to you. :(

The bag hallarious. The contents were even more awesome!