Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I took an IQ test online.. My score was 131. I was a little confused by some of the questions but I guess I got enough right! I wanted to see how my score rated, like, Above average, average, below average. You know. However, to receive this information, I would have had to pay 20 bucks! No way. You see, I'm smart enough to know not to spend money on a few numbers printed on a sheet of paper. lol. So take that you online money swindlers!


Jae said...

I think that is farely good! I mean I did horrible when I took one, so bad I wont even tell you. So dont worry you are smart!

Mary Ellen said...

haha! Yeah, that was pretty rediculous! But hey, at least now we know that you're pretty have a higher IQ than the rest of us! lol! ;)