Tuesday, March 20, 2007

OK..OK..OK.. I'll post!

So you might be wondering what is new in my life.. Or not, because I already told you all about everything new! lol.. OK.. I'll get serious!.... Well. I don't think I'm ever really serious.... hhmm.
OK! What's new?!?! I get my permit! So I'm driving around and stuff now! I had my last day of driver ed. class this past Monday. My teacher has to call me yet, but I'll be starting my behind the wheel soon. I am sooooo definitely going to prom! I got a great date! He's super cool and stuff! Him and some of his friends have been hanging with my family and I lately. We have sooooo much fun! He plays guitar really good. He is also involved in the Drama stuff that goes on at our school!! Which brings me tooooo...... I'm going to try out for Seven Brides fir Seven Brothers! I'm sooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My big sista' wants to be in it too!! It'll be soooooo much fun! I can't wait!
Oh! and by the way, I think I've talked to my prom date just about every day in the past two weeks. He's great to talk to! He said his little brother was listening to us on the phone once, and that he timed the time between my prom dates sentences. lol.. He thinks I talk a lot. Noe that's just crazy! lol. hahahhahaha. .. lol... ok..
Gotta' run kiddos!
~Chrisiepooh is signing out!


Anonymous said...

Heck yes, a new post, with sweet drivers permits and hot dudes and everything!!

Love you! Glad to hear you're happy!


Anonymous said...

Holy! You posted! I had to hear about it from Sandy cause I haven't checked your blog in so long... cause you haven't posted in soooooo long! Gee your are pretty lucky! You get to have a dude-friend! lol! He seems pretty cool. Well I'd better hit the road Jack!