Sunday, February 25, 2007

My poem!!!

Hey! I know I haven't posted in a long time. I haven't gotten much time lately to do these things. I've been working on some homework Mr. N. gave us for driver ed. He only gave us a week to do 3 articles...... Really, you either have to have a printer or a subscription to a newspaper to be able to do the homework. I don't have so I've been waiting to get to my sister and brother-in-law's to get online and print some stuff...... All 3 articles are due tomorrow.. I'm a slacker.. lol..
Well, what I rally came on here to tell you all; I'm having a poem published in a poetry book. I think the name of the book is called, "Immortal Verses". I'm SOOOOOO excited!! The poem they are publishing is the little poem under my blog title. I named it Warlord..... I'm really happy about it!!!! I would get one of the books, but they are going t cost like, 50 bucks! yeah right... Maybe, after they are printed, I'll just hop on Amazon and buy myself a used one.
Well, that's all for now..
Over and out.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Whew! One more test down! I have no clue how many more to go!

So I past my test at D.E. Thankfully! I wasn't sure if I was going to get used to Mr. Nelson's teaching methods. He's kinda weird. Or funky. What ever. I think I'm going to do an all nightie. hmm. I'm not really tired. but of course, I just had a liter of coke. I've been drinking espresso all day too!! But hey, that's cool. I think it helps me focus for short periods of time. (ie. 2 hours of Mr. Nelson's drone voice. lol )
I went online to check out some dress' for Lizzy's wedding. I found some cool sites. Here is a link Jae, for a site where you can kinda design your own gown. and also has some really good deals on dress' for stuff like V-Ball! I had fun doing it.
I'm going to go now so I can get around blogger village. I need to get caught up!
Aim High!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Russell Family Crest

I couldn't copy the thing on here, but I got to read about the name. I went to a website, , and looked it up. It is of ether English, Scottish, Or Irish Decent. Some of the original Russell's were from Normandy. That was around 1066 a.d. Our motto translation is, "What will be will be." Pretty cool. I'm going to try and get the whole article on here.
So bye for now!


Part of living a fulfilling life is enjoying the beauty of things hoped for, and making peace with things you can't change. ~C.E.
A knowledgeable man can build a house, but only a wise man can build a home. ~C. E.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's been a while.......again.....

Gosh... I really like the song by Stained.(I think that's who it's by..) "It's Been a While".
Well. I just got done looking up my last name on Google search. Mr. and Mrs. R were right when they said it sounded English. It is. The family crest is really cool looking too. But the thing is, I don't have a speck of English in me. lol. But of course, The name isn't my dad's biological last name. So that really screws things up. I suppose I could look up our real last name, but I don't really see why.
I just got done watching the last episode of LOST. I LOVE it !!!!! Of course I don't like it that Kate and the Doc didn't kiss! lol.. haha. but I guess Sawyer would do. lol.
OK. I gotta run and finish my homework.
With a whole lotta' love,

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Home they brought her worior dead:
She nor swooned, nor uttered cry;
All her maidens, watching, said,
"She must weep or she will die!"
Then they praised him, soft and low,
Called him worthy to be loved,
Truest friend and noblest foe;
Yet she neither spoke nor moved.
Stole the maiden from her place,
Lightly to the worior stept,
Took the face cloth from the face,
Yet she neither moved nor wept.
Rose a nurse of ninety years,
Set his child upon her knee,
Like summer tempest came her tears,
"Sweet child, I live for thee!"
~Alfred Tennyson

The Harlot's House

We caught the tread of dancing feet,
We loitered down the moonlit street,
And stopped beneath the harlot's house.
Inside, above the din and fray,
We heard the loud musicians play
The "Treues Liebes Herz" of Strauss.
Like strange mechanical grotesques,
Making fantastic arabesques,
The shadows raced across the blind.
We watched the ghostly dancers spin
To sound of horn and violin,
Like black leaves wheeling in the wind.
Like wire-pulled automatons,
Slim silhouetted skeletons
Went sidling through the slow quadrille.
The took each other by the hand,
And danced a stately saraband;
Their laughter echoed thin and shrill.
Sometimes a clockwork puppet pressed
A phantom lover to her breast,
Sometimes they seemed to try to sing.
Sometimes a horrible marionette
Came out, and smoked its cigarette
Upon the steps like a live thing.
Then, turning to my love, I said,
"The dead are dancing with the dead,
The dust is whirling with the dust."
But she--she heard the violin,
And left my side, and entered in:
Love passed into the house of lust.
Then suddenly the tune went false,
The dancers wearied of the waltz,
The shadows ceased to wheel and whirl.
And down the long and silent street,
The dawn, with silver-sandalled feet,
Crept like a frightened girl.
~ Oscar Wilde

It's been at least a week! oopps..

Well, I don't rightly have a really good excuse for not posting.. Except that I was sick. I got a cold on Saturday, and the flue on Monday. I'm still recuperating from it. I think I lost like 3 pounds or something. lol. Not like that little bit will show. But other than all that sickness, I've been on a chess website. It has a bunch of forums, and one of them is on spirituality. They do a lot of debating on there. My dad does some, and so he seggested I get on there and do some too. It's a whole bunch of fun! There are a bunch of really crule people that say some really mean stuff, but they all sound like angry little children! So I do my best no to sound like them.
I haven't been doing any poetry reading lately because of my sickness, but I'll try to get some on here soon. I have to miss Drevers ed. class today because I might still be contagous. It kinda' stinks. I'm going to be behind at least 1 test. ARG!!
OK. I'll try to type at y'all soon!
Aim high!