Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Kissing Her Hair

Kissing her hair, I sat against her feet:
Wove and unwove it,- wound, and found it sweet;
Made fast there with her hands, drew down her eyes,
Deep as deep flowers, and dreamy like dim skies;
With her own tresses bound, and found her fair,-
Kissing her hair.
Sleep were no sweeter than her face to me,-
Sleep of cold sea-bloom under the cold sea:
What pain could get between my face and hers?
What new sweet thing would love not relish worse?
Unless, perhaps, white Death had kissed me there,-
Kissing her hair.
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Here is your romantic one Nory love!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cooking, cleaning, and industrial things of that sort.

Today I had to babysit my little brother while my mom was out doing her shopping. It was actually not that bad. Most of the time, Benny was content with just watching a movie over an over again. he he. During that time, I did most of my home work, (for drivers ed. and regular schooling) made some banana bread, did dishes, and cooked supper. It was really quite fun. I don't think I've ever had fun cooking or baking. I may get an urge to do so every now and then, but when it comes to putting time into it, I loose interest. I felt like a mother, and it felt good! hmm. I wounder if there's something to that. lol.
Well, after that feminine endeavor, I wanted to paint a picture. I didn't though. I didn't really have time. It was late and I didn't want to get out the paint and all that messy stuff. Therefor I was content in just taking a shower, (with my new Burt's Bee's Carrots and Sugar shampoo!! It smells like grape fruit! I love it!!) and reading my book until my dad got off the computer. So now here I am. Writing about nothingness is, interestingly, a lot of fun! Maybe it's because we all stay so closely connected this way. It must be a woman thing.. hheehehe.
Today, right before Ro left for work, I got together some things to send over to the R's. I finally gave Marry her birthday gift.... And a few other things;-P Yeah.... I'm a goof ball sometimes....hahahaha. ROFL! Surprise, surprise girls!!ha ha. Hope y'all can find usage for those things!! And all those bags. hahaha!
Well. I best be off to bed now. Actually, I have a few emails to right first. All the more reason to go the sooner!
Tootaledo my dearies!

Drivers Ed.

I started drivers ed. yesterday! It was OK. Except of course, for the rambunctious punks that wouldn't shut up. Half the time I had kids asking me who I was. I ignored them because Mr. Nelson was trying to speak, and if I answered one of their questions, they would give me a whole new list of questions. Punks! Oh well. It was OK for the most part. I wouldn't want to be in the car with any of those kids while they are driving though! They are so immature.
OH!!! I found some substitutes fro that really soft Mary Kay hand treatment we were doing on Saturday night!! If you use Burt's Bee's avocado hair treatment for the first step, then some Equate facial scrub, then an oil free facial cleanser, and then lastly, a lotion! It works!! I also did it on my face! It feels ssooooo soft now!! I think it got rid of all my dry skin too! OK.. I'll talk to you later fellas and galls.

He That Loves a Rosy Cheek

He that loves a rosy cheek,
Or coral lip admires,
or from star like eyes doth seek
Fuel to maintain his fires;
As old Time makes these decay,
So his flames must waste away.
But a smooth and steadfast mind
Gentle thoughts, and calm desires,
Hearts with equal love combined,
Kindle never-dying fires:
Where these are not, I despise
Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Maidens Choice

Genteel in personage,
Conduct, and equipage;
Noble in heritage;
Generous and free;
Brave, not romantic;
Learned, not pedantic;
Frolic, not frantic,-
This must he be.
Honor maintaining,
Meanness disdaining,
Still entertaining,
Engaging and new;
Neat, but not finical;
Sage, but not cynical;
Never tyrannical,
But ever true.
Henry Fielding


I've decided to post a poem of the day/week from now on. I don't know how much time I'll get to do it, but I've been reading a book of poems and I love it. I just want to share the joy.
I love you all!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Today's adventures!

Today is the day for the home-school field trip. I don't know if that is exactly what we are calling it, but it sounded I'm really happy about it. We are going to the T.V. 18 station placey for a tour, and to some printing place I think.. I'm not sure. I only have to do a half day of school! I'm not going to come home with the girls like I had originally planned, because I have to work. (Not like I had originally planned.) I need to work though. If I want to be able to make my payment on my braces next month I better stop taking off work!
Tonight, hopefully, we are going to have a B-day party for Marry Ellen!! I think it is going to be at her house... I'm bringing the movies Office Space, and Batman Begins. I love them both! I was thinking about bringing Nacho Librae also, but it's my brother's, and he isn't home for me to ask. So I scratched that idea. We'll have enough movies to last a couple
OK I have to go get my thing's together for work and a sleep over!! tayl!
Many other names

Monday, January 22, 2007

Laughing Ha ha ha ha!

I had so many good laughs today. I can't even tell you what I was laughing about, but it really felt good. I wasn't in a giddy mood either. It was just that I felt at peace with my life. It is hardly like that so it felt so good. I just had to think everything was funny. Ha ha. My weekend wasn't so good.. I had to resolve something that I had been avoiding.. Maybe it was the peace about that!?! I don't really know. I'm sure I won't feel the same way tomorrow. This kind of feeling doesn't last very long. But it kinda' makes me want to make some changes in my life. Some how I want to improve my life.. Like in little ways... Baby steps.. It really is the little things that count.
Well. I'll tayl. (type at you later.)

Friday, January 19, 2007

Lyrics to Unintended + My version.

Vs. 1:
You could be my unintended choice
to live my life extended.
You could be the one I'll always love.
You could be the one who listens to
my deepest inquisitions.
You could be the one I'll always love.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
But I'm busy mending broken
pieces of my life I had before.
*Original 2'ND vs.*
Vs. 2:
First there was the one who challenged
all my dreams and all my balance.
*He* could never be as good as you.
You could be my unintended choice
to live my life extended.
You could be the one I'll always love.
*My version of 2'ND vs.*
First there was the one who challenged
all my dreams and all my balance.
*He* could never be as good as you.
Then you came, - and you saved me
from myself and who I would be.
Your my life. The one I'll always love.
I thought it needed a little lightening up. lol. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Today's not the day for a party I guess.

Yeah... It's about 2:45 or something , in the after noon... I got paid today so I'm hoping to get some shopping done, but I have to pay off my phone bill first.. Ooops. It's like 50 buckaroos I think. Not to mention that I want to start up Teakwondo again! I miss it. Not going is like loosing an extension I've lived so long with. Like I bet it will feel this way when I get my braces taken off. We'll see.
Right now I'm eating Lays Stax and drinking Vault... Ooops. did I say that out loud? I'm feeling really healthy right now. ;)
Oh! Everyone! Trenton posted the Purple Deer video on You Tube last night!! Here's the link. Or you can just go on you tube and search for "purple deer and vault". That should get you somewhere. I'm trying to download it right now, but my computer is so slow.
OK. I have to be off.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My mom got Nory's oatmeal raisin cookie recipe, and she made some yesterday. I think I've had about 4 of them already today! They aren't exactly the same as Norah's, but they are just as good!! I think I'll have another and call it lunch..... maybe I'll do the same for supper..

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Today, tomorrow, and maybe the next year if nobody stops me!

Yeah, I had a good day. Well. Kinda'. I mean, there wasn't anything special about it. I got up a little too late, (like usual. I need to get on a schedule or something.) ate some breakfast, did some school, then my grandpa showed up. Which means I got to take a brake from school to listen to his chattering. He can be very informative about anything mechanical in the house. However, he didn't stay fro too long so it was back to school for me! Oh joy! Then, of course, the daily ritual of dishes and showering. No prob. Off to work I went. Did a lil' work here and there, and then home again to update my blog. I try to keep this thing updated as often as passable.
This week I'm hoping to have a sleep-over with a bunch of girlfriends! I have been wanting to have a slumber party for forever!! So I'm hoping that will happen.
OOhhhhhh yes! Also, in about a month, tickets to V-ball are going on sale!! I'm soooo happy!! Last year was soo much fun. I only went on Saturday night, but this year I'm thinking about going both Friday and Saturday!! We'll see if I have enough money. The tickets are $35 a piece. So it could get mighty expensive. We'll see. I'm hoping all my friends will be there. (Even if most all of them are girls who wont have a dancing partner like me.) I don't have a dress yet. Maybe one of these days us girls could take a trip to Eau Claire and go dress shopping! How fun!
OK I have to go now. It's about 10:30 and I have to get up too late tomorrow.
I twill type at thee all later!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I feel like an idiot! I got to work about 1 and 1/2 hours early. Yikes! I thought I worked at 4, but found out a little too late, that I didn't work until 5. Gosh. But it kind of turned out OK. I got to talk to some people I've been meaning to talk to. So I basically had a good afternoon. However, that isn't saying much about my morning or afternoon...... But it wouldn't be too far from the truth to say that I had a very well rounded day.
I get very restless if I don;t have something to do.. Like work. I am used to getting about 20 to 25 hours in at work during a normal school week. But it's been really slow lately therefore they cut everyone's hours. I was really cranky at first, however, laziness is easy to get used to! I enjoy having more time to talk to, and hang with my friends! It's really cool. Like about two month ago, if someone had asked me to do something, I would have been like, "I probably can't because I have to work." But now I'm like, "Yeah sure! I probably don't have to work or anything!" So it's cool to be able to do that. I just can't get too lazy. It won't last forever. Come spring, my hours are going to go up. I could probably use the money anyways. So yeah.. OK. I'll post to ya later!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Boarder Hill

This past week, I had a friend over to stay from Indiana! We had sooo much fun! We had some other girlies over too while she was here!
There is this hill by our local book store we call Boarder HIll. We actually though it was privet property. My friends and I climbed it! It was a blast! We took a bunch of pictures at the top, and some of them made us look like we are sky
It was really good exercise getting up that thing! It is probably around 150 feet high,(Best guess) with a steep incline. I swear I burnt 1000 calories! We had just gone out for pizza though, so I got a stomach cramp. Serves me right.
It is so hard finding new things to do after a week of having fun. The last nigh of my friends visit, we did some yoga and meditation....... Or at least we tried. We were laughing too hard most of the time.
We got out a hat and some paper, and wrote little comments about what we like about each other. Then we would snap for whose ever name was on the paper. It was a little idea we got from Legally Blond. (Gosh! How cheesy!lol)
After our meditation session, we went on to eat WAY too many gummy bears. I wont tell what happened after that. But you can assume we had too much fun!
So anyways, Yeah. I just thought I would post something on here so people would have something new to read! I need to keep this thing up-dated.
OK. So that's all that has been happening lately!
I'll type at you later!
Over and out.