Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I took an IQ test online.. My score was 131. I was a little confused by some of the questions but I guess I got enough right! I wanted to see how my score rated, like, Above average, average, below average. You know. However, to receive this information, I would have had to pay 20 bucks! No way. You see, I'm smart enough to know not to spend money on a few numbers printed on a sheet of paper. lol. So take that you online money swindlers!


Man alive, stress could kill a person. I try to take a deep breath and chill, but my mind is so full of things I need to get done. I should write them down. I've heard it helps... But I can't go to sleep now. I don't have an alarm and I need to be up in 3 hours. That will never happen if I fall asleep now...... I guess I'll just sit here and worry about everything all over again.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


I don't have money for France. lol. It wasn't very realistic. I will go there some day though. I will visit China and Italy too.

6 Months!

Wow. I can't believe I haven't posted in 6 months. I guess I lost interest. Things get in my way and distract me. I forget.
I was in Green Bay last weekend. It was for a Bible conference a couple Churches from over there put on. It was great fun! I didn't get half enough sleep, and had twice as much fun as I should. lol. I don't think I've been able to catch up on sleep yet. I'll get used to being deprived of sleep though. I do every summer when I actually have a life. Life does seem droopy during the winter. When I get enough money, I'm going to move to the west coast. my winters will be toasty warm and I'll have a tan all year long!
Next weekend my friend Jae is coming up from Indiana to visit me!! I haven't seen her in 2 months! I'm going to loose a ton of sleep! Great fun!
I'll post soon maybe.. he he.