Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Little Nothings

Hey y'all! How's it going for you gals?
I'm finishing school, working, hoping to re-start teakwondo and trying to keep in-touch with all my friends. Simple little tasks that don't take a whole lot of effort just money. lol. Life's good right? lol.
I'm not in the best way right now as far as guys go. I'm so confused by them. J.S. Told me I was confusing. BAH! He needs to take a long look in the mirror! (Or in his soul!) What is he thinking? For goodness sakes! What ever. I've decided not to worry about it any more. If he has something to say to me, he needs to call me or something. But he won't. Because guys like him never do. They are so horrible at follow-ups. ARG!
I'm getting siked about all the parties and grad parties that are coming up!!!!!!! Weddings too! Man this is going to be a heck of a summer! I can feel it in my bones!
BTW, Mellen, If you want to publish poems, here is a link to a web site that does a lot of that. www.poetry.com . They are the ones publishing one of my poems. It's really easy. (well, easy for me because I was getting all these spam mail things from them. They sent me a bunch of sing-up emails for a book thing.I need to get taken off their mailing list!!I get at least 4 emails a week. ARG!)
I started running! Finally! Well, I don't ALWAYS run. Sometimes I walk. It depends on my mood I think. If I'm happy, I walk. If I'm upset or angry, I run. So being angry is actually good for me in a way! lol.
OK. I'm heading to bed now.


Anonymous said...

When I do walk/run I have the same thing, except when I'm *really* happy then I just have to run for a while too.

Well just think of it like... if JS is such a dork to not call you in the first place (does he want you to do everything? but then again I don't know what he wants, since I barely know him) then he doesn't deserve a pretty smart chick like you. ; ) That's kind of age old advice/consolation, but whatever, it's still good.
Love you Chris,

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the web-address! I'll check it out. I would like to publish some of my poems.
Talk about a great summer... this ones going to be crazy! We have so much stuff planned.
Gee I really should run some. I've heard that jump-roping is actually better than jogging. That would be interesting to see if it's true. Well I'm glad you're posting more often! TTYL!