Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dance, Work, and Other Things.

Dance:We had our last dance practice for V-Ball last night! It was a lot of fun. I'm getting soooo excited about V-Ball!! I'm going to where the same dress I wore last year. But I'm not going to be so up-tight with it. lol. Last year I wore a shrug and gaudy earrings. This year it's going to be a bit simpler. Smaller earrings, bare shouldered. I'm not so self conscious as I used to be.
Work: OMG! I cannot stand working with this guy from my work. His name is Mark, he's 35 or something around there, and he acts like he knows everyone so well when he's only been working here about 3 weeks now. I was training this kid today, so I was busy but I needed something done. I asked him to go get something for me and he turned to my trainee and asked him if he was being trained right then, and almost asked him to go get the stuff for him. He was doing nothing. And then, after he realized he had to go get the stuff, he told my trainee to cover his spot. yeah right! My trainee didn't know any of it. That's why I was training him. duh! He also is always making really suggestive remarks to all the girls there. He Nick-names them things like 'Snow white' and 'Tinker-Bell'. SICK! One of my managers put a stop to that. But next time he makes a suggestive remark to me, I'm am getting him written up for sexual harassment. If I hear him make a remark to any other girl at my work, I'm getting him written up. AND if I hear him talking about any of the girls at my work, he is soooooo getting written up. I'm really glad I'm friends with all the managers. lol.
Other things: I set up my hair appointment for the 28th!(Prom night) I have to take my pictures in of how I want my hair done.!!! I can't wait! I have to get new shoes for my prom dress. The ones I have are not going to match Josh's tux. I think I'll go with a silver or creme.
OK. I have to run!


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, really glad you updated. Sorry you have to work with an idiot... I feel bad for ya. I think you'll look great at V-Ball! If you wouldn't get too warm I'd tell you to leave your hair down. But I did that last year and I swear I almost fainted from heat exhaustion. So I don't recommend it, unless you have a way of putting it up.

Speaking of that, can I borrow that one black clip of yours that I used a while back for a little? I'm going to use it for the choir concert. I usually leave my hair down, but I want to put it up this semester w/out putting it in a bun with bobby pins.... I still need to find a white shirt. Eek!

Sorry for writing a letter,

Anonymous said...

Ah... you Posted yesss...
sorry about the dumb guy!
later gal

Mary Ellen said...

Hey Girl! The V-ball was so much fun! Thanks for dancing... Jethro! =D

Mary Ellen said...

Have fun at prom tonight Chrissie!