Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cell Phones

Hello All!
Well, I recently got myself a cell phone! I'm really excited about it.
I've never really been the kind to do a lot of talking on the phone anyway, but I know I'm going to have fun keeping in touch.
It's always hard to talk with friends when your inclined to stay in a certain vicinity caused by a land line. It also is inconvenient to ask your parents fro the use of their cell phone.
Right now I'm still figuring it out. It has text msg abilities, it takes pixs, caller waiting, three way calling, and a whole bunch more! It's really cool.
OK. I'm going to go find someone to call!
Over and out. Chrisie

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How to Loose A Looser

Recently, I've been bothered by this fellow who has a horrible crush on me. It's not like I'm not flattered; It's just that he is always staring at me. He tries to call me all the time when I'm at work. And he calls for absolutely no reason. Or, "Just to say 'hi' because we haven't talked in a while." Wow. Do you think that I really don't get your messages? Or maybe I really am too busy! HELLO!!! I don't call back because I don't want to talk to you!
OK, so I'm trying to come up with ideas to loose this guy. I have few, However I would love your comments!
These are ideas you may use if ever in such a predicament! I wish you well. Let me know if it works for you.

1) Pick your nose in front of him. Maybe let him get kind of close, then start mining.

2) If you are ever pushed into going on a date with him, by all means chew with your mouth open.

3) Wear smelly socks to his house for a game of scrabble. (Holes in the toes are a plus!)

4) Look ladies, we all want to look nice but for your own sake don't were anything sexy around him. Try an old high school sweatshirt tucked into a pair of jeans that are too big.

5) If he tries to get romantic on you, smell your pits, or tell him he has a snot streaked across his cheek.

6) Of course there is the classic. Use your brother as a date making the guy think your seeing someone. Or, get yourself a real boyfriend.

7) Screw up your eye liner so it strokes up past your eyebrow. It'll look funny.

8) Of course there is the gaudy makeup that could turn him off.

Well, of course not all of these are good ideas. But it could be worth the try! Good luck my ladies.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Good Night!

It's night, and darkness is around us.
The stars aren't shining tonight.
As darkness and fear surrounds us,
we shiver and quake with fright.

When things seem hopeless,
when it seems like the sun will never rise,
remember the world is always turning,
and the sun will, soon, brighten the skies!
By: thechrisie
May not be copied without permission from thechrisie

To Read is to Know. Be Wise

Reading is one of the most important things you can do to expand your knowledge. It is fun! The news paper, a book, or maybe just the headlines on a magazine. Once you start, you can get hooked! I have listed in my profile, some of my favorite books. Some are for knowledge, some are just for entertainment. They are all very good books.
Yeah, you are probably thinking, "I hate reading, how can she think reading is fun?" Don't be dismayed. You can always find something to your interest. Do you like comics? Pick out a comic book from your local grocery store. Maybe you like sappy love stories, try your romance section at the library. There are so many ways to keep your mind active and on top of things. Reading is considered one of the most profiable pass times.
Hey, instead of turning on the nightly new, pick up a NewYorkTimes. You need to keep you mind active and up to date.
Let's all read and be knowledgeable!